Our website is one of the best information resources for ERP customers who are negotiating ERP related implementation contracts or contemplating suing their ERP software vendor because of a failed go live, faulty deliverables or misrepresented functionality. We have developed an ERP Resource Center comprised of useful information and downloadable material to answer commonly asked questions related to ERP software litigation and ERP software contract negotiation. Click through to view information on common ERP related topics. If you have any questions we have not answered, please feel free to contact us.

Video Library

In a series of videos ERP software and litigation attorney Marcus Harris explains the legal process for bringing a lawsuit against an ERP vendor due to a failed implementation. He also discusses the process for negotiating ERP related contracts and other issues with ERP experts.

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ERP Negotiation Checklist

We have created a helpful checklist summarizing important issues to address when negotiating software and implementation contracts with an ERP vendor.

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ERP Vendor Negotiation Tips

Whether you are negotiating with SAP, Epicor, Infor, or any other ERP vendor, we have compiled tips for leveraging the negotiation process to your advantage.

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Key Provisions In An ERP Contract

These contract provisions are usually hot button issues from both the ERP customer’s and the ERP vendor’s perspective.

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Common Reasons Why ERP Implementations Fail

While every ERP implementation is different, the reasons why ERP implementations fail are strikingly similar. Based on our years of experience litigating ERP train wrecks, we have identified some of the most common issues that lead to failed go lives, faulty deliverables and missing functionality.

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The Anatomy OAn ERP Implementation Dispute

While the specific facts are always different, the claims and allegations involving a failed ERP implementation are remarkably similar. If you are, or have been, involved in a problematic ERP software implementation, the claims, allegations and counter-allegations outlined below will sound familiar.

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Sample Contract Templates and Cloud Service Descriptions

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