This weekend the attorneys of the technology law firm of Marcus Stephen Harris LLC will attend SocialDevCamp 2010.  This is the third annual conference, also known as an “unconference,” the event is truly a “summer camp for the social web.”  According to its organizer, ChiTAH (a Chicago Technology Community) this weekend’s event scheduled August 13 – 15 is attended by developers, designers, marketers and entrepreneurs who work the nuts and bolts of social media and social applications.

SocialDevCamp 2010 offers the opportunity for technology developers, users and professionals to showcase and share intelligence so that those working in and around technology industry can stay on the inside track and help leverage new brands and products among consumers.

Marcus Stephen Harris LLC, being a technology law firm, will certainly be present at this event and will be actively learning and sharing information from the legal perspective.  Principal Marcus Harris and his attorneys will take the opportunity to demonstrate how new technology is best licensed to new users and existing customers.  As an intellectual property attorney who speaks the language, Marcus Harris is in a good position to connect with the technology community represented at this coming weekend’s event.


Keynote speakers scheduled include: 1) Chris Messina (open web advocate at Google); 2) Andrew Mason (Founder & CEO of Groupon); and 3) Ben Huh (CEO, Cheezburger Network).  This event will include also showcase events such as a developer hackathon competition where participants have 36 hours to develop and present a social application with a chance to share in $3,000 in prizes.

The keynote speakers should be offering the latest in tips and trends in the technology and social web industry.  A follow-up article will be announced next week, and will be published soon after the event, in which technology attorney Marcus Harris will comment on what we can expect soon and what the developers forecast in the near future.

For more information about this event and the intellectual property and technology law firm of Marcus Stephen Harris, LLC please visit for contact information.  This firm serves nationwide clients in technology, licensing and intellectual property transactions and litigation.